Title | Die Handball-App - für Ihren Verein |
Homepage | http://handball-apps.de/ |
Language | German (de) |
Country | Germany (DE) |
CMS | WordPress |
Hosting | handball-apps.de |
Theme | Sydney |
Plugins | eu-cookie-law MonsterInsights – Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Made Easy) Newsletter – Send awesome emails from WordPress Page Builder by SiteOrigin SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN sydney-portfolio WP Fastest Cache WP Super Cache Yoast SEO |
Color | Black |
Page Speed | 4,738 msec |
- WP-Search analyzes from public information on websites.
- Information may not be 100% accurate.
- Some plugins cannot be detected, and some plugins have poor detection accuracy.
- It is cached for a certain period of time to reduce load.